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Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

2nd March 2003

On Sunday afternoon, 2nd March, we were contacted to assist GMAS with an Ambulance stuck in soft ground, at Houghend Playing Fields, South Manchester – a flatter site you couldn’t get! Another Ambulance had also been dispatched to assist. Initially our BM3 Landrover and our TL attended, to find an Ambulance well stuck! with the casualty still on board. (A footballer with a Tib/Fib fracture). Our first attempts to tow out the Ambulance met with no success, and we ended up with a stretcher carry from the stuck Ambulance to the other Ambulance, which was waiting at the nearest car park. With the casualty safely away to MRI, and now with the assistance of our Landrovers BM1 and 2 as well!, we finally managed to tow the Ambulance off the playing fields. A very strange sight, 3x Mountain Rescue Landrovers on an incident in the middle of a large flat field, in the Chorlton part of Manchester !!

Who do GMAS call when they are stuck on a muddy field with a casualty ? Bolton MRT – A true story

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