At 15:36 on Monday 17th March, Lancashire Ambulance service paged the team, to assist with the reported collapse of an 82 year old male in Lever Park, Rivington. Fortunatley a GMAS ambulance was able to gain near access and Helimed 08, our first arriving members, and vehicles were stood down on scene. A passing GMCFS appliance from Horwich fire station stopped to assist and was also stood down on scene. The casualty was taken to the Royal Bolton Hospital. Our first members were on scene just 17 minutes from the pager call, and the first vehicle arrived 20 minutes from the pager call – our usual fast response to the 3rd emergency call in as many days!
Incident 26-2018 – body recovery from Horrocks Moor
At 15:46 on Sunday 13th May we were contacted by North West Ambulance Service with the request to assist in the...