An unusual call, on Wednesday evening, 26th March, from an ex-team member, now a British Transport Policeman, who requested one of our Search Dogs to search a railway line, following reports from a train driver who thought his train had hit a man standing on the trackside. Initial BTP checks had drawn a blank, but the circumstances warranted another search. Search Dog “Chi” and his handler Dave Marsh were joined by navigator Geoff Seddon, our Deputy Leader (a railway line being at the limit of his navigational prowess – stated our Team Leader), and together they journeyed to Blythe Bridge, (on the Uttoxeter to Stoke line) to undertake a detailed search of a 950m length of line (which was carried out at night time when the line was not operating). Fortunately the search was negative, and the whole episode was put down to a “false alarm, good intent call”.
Incident 26-2018 – body recovery from Horrocks Moor
At 15:46 on Sunday 13th May we were contacted by North West Ambulance Service with the request to assist in the...