News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

6th January 2004

The Teams pagers buzzed into life at 14.39 Hrs, with a request to contact the GMP Duty Officer. Within 13 mins the first Full Team Call Out of 2004 was taking place for a missing 8 year old girl whom hadn’t been seen in school since dinnertime. The search was centered on the Leverhulme Park of Bolton. As the MRT resources grew during the day, together with Search Dog Chi, a search was started within 59 mins of the first pager request, together with GMP resources & also the GMP ASU India 99. Then at 17:10 Hrs a message was received that the missing girl was found safe & well outside of the search area. In fact so far outside the search area we were a little amazed to hear she was found in Wolverhampton !!

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