Whilst at the Horwich Carnival event, the Team was contacted by LAS, regards an off road motorcycle incident at the Pigeon Tower, at the top of the Terraced Gardens, Rivington. Units were despatched from the Carnival event, to RV with GMAS and LAS vehicles at Lower House, whilst others accessed the scene from Georges Lane .
BMRT, GMAS & Helimed 08 medics treat the casualty.
The 27 year old male rider, had suffered a serious leg injury, and the team administered pain killing drugs and oxygen. The man was airlifted from the scene, in the NWAA Helimed 08., and flown direct to Royal Preston Hospital. One of our team members accompanied the casualty in the helicopter, to hospital. The riders bike was recovered on his behalf by the team. 15 team members were involved.
Team members watch Helimed depart with Claire Morrissey on board acting as 2nd medic