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Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

16th June 2008

At 10:51 Hrs today the Team was paged by North West Ambulance Service (Greater Manchester Area) regarding our assistance in a difficult evacuation incident, located on the stream course running through Smithills Woodlands – Smithills Brook / Astley Brook.

A 14 year old female had landed badly after apparently jumping, in the company of other youths, from the high vertical banking of the stream side across the stream.

The 14 year old female was lying face down along side the stream and complaining of lower back pains.

The NWAS crew who responded to this incident had reached the girl and in view of her location requested the immediate assistance of our Team. A full Team Call Out page was made at 10:59 Hrs, with our DTL being the first MRT member on scene by 11:14 Hrs.

Two responding Team Landrover Ambulances then arrived and a small party of 7 Team members went to the casualty site with various equipment.

The girl was placed onto one of our specialist full length vacuum mattresses, with the NWAS crew supervising the delicate handling of her potentially serious lower back injury.

With pain killing gas being self administered the young girl was then stretched evacuated to the waiting ambulance on Temple Rd, Smithills.

She was then transferred to Royal Bolton Hospital in the NWAS ambulance.

As with many incidents of this nature involving the use of our specialist equipment, we than had to journey ourselves to the hospital to retrieve our equipment items.

Please note a smaller than usual number of Team members were able to respond to this incident due to the first day back at work / work time nature of the call, never the less enough were on hand to deal with this woodland stream incident.

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