News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

10th August 2008

At 15.21hrs we were contacted via radio by NWAS (Manchester) Control to respond to the report of a male walker with an ankle injury, in the Three Sisters Recreation Area, Bryn, Wigan.

Crewed vehicles from members still at our base cleaning and checking kit from the previous incident were able to make an immediate response, backed up by a full team pager call out for more members at 15.27hrs.

Three team members arrived together on scene at circa 15.50 to meet the responding NWAS (Manchester) Ambulance, the crew of which had managed to reach the casualty, who had a suspected fractured ankle.

As a full team stand down pager message was transmitted at 15.53hrs, our three responding Team Land Rover Mountain Rescue Ambulances arrived at the Three Sisters Recreation Area main entrance.

In total 17 team members responded to this incident.

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