News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

29th November 2008

At 15:51 hours we were contacted by NWAS (Manchester) to respond to the report of a football player at Goshen Lane Sports Club, Redvales, Bury, who had suffered a serious leg fracture.

Our 4 Landrover ambulances plus BM5 (the ’Hummer’) with a total of 12 team members responded to this call with our first vehicle arriving on scene at 16:08 to find a male sports player had suffered a serious leg fracture of the lower left leg. (Upon our arrival excellent first aid was already being administered by, we believe, the referee, who was maintaining the injured mans leg in traction easing considerably his pain).

Team members administered Entonox and morphine prior to vacuum splinting his very serious leg fracture. He was then stretcher evacuated to our BM1 Landrover Ambulance and taken in this vehicle to Bury Fairfield hospital.

The team would like to thank members of the football team and the sports club who did much to comfort this man up to our arrival, and who also guided our responding vehicles through the maze of local streets to the playing fields complex.

This incident as with the previous one took place in conditions of poor visibility, freezing fog combined with semi-frozen ground (with the extra delight of it being dark!)

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