News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

4th December 2008

At 10.25hrs along with our colleagues at Rossendale and Pendle MRT we were requested by NWAS (Lancashire) A&E Control to RVP at Darwen Ambulance Station (in our case) to standby regarding a large number of motorists stuck in snowdrifts on the snowbound road between Haslingden and Blackburn. Information at the time was that Lancashire Constabularly were considering evacuating all the motorists, and had asked NWAS to go to standby, who in turn called out ourselves and RPMRT.

As both teams were mobilising, we were stood down at 10.58hrs by NWAS as Lancashire Constabularly informed NWAS they and the MRTs were no longer required.

In the case of our team, four Team Landrover Mountain Rescue Ambulances were responding, along with 13x team members.

We subsequently established (from news reports !) that the Army had been called out to assist with the evacuation of motorists.

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