As of 1st March 2010, MREW has appointed Mapyx as an ‘Official GIS and Digital Mapping Partner’
In brief Members of teams and Teams recognised by MREW & BCRC are eligible to receive:-
- A free copy of Quo software for EVERY team member with activation code
- 1:25,000 mapping in Quo format for England, Wales & Scotland
- Aerial photography for all areas covered by MREW
Now, not only does Mapyx support MREW but each Team were able to act as an affiliate of Mapyx. We registered our intentions and within a couple of weeks we received our first commission of £3. I should point out that for each sale directed to Mapyx from a link on our website we get 15% of the sale as commission. Then the next day we received an even bigger surprise of a £16:90 commission.
Our thanks are expressed to our mystery supporters, who have donated to the running of the Team by this method.
If you’re interested in Mapyx and the Quo software if you click here you’ll be directed to the Mapyx website and anything that you buy earns the Team commission.