Since reopening our Call Out list recruitment on Sunday 12th September, with regards to our ’November 2010 new member intake sessions,’ to date this evening we have received fourteen on line potential membership applications and one postal application.
Any persons wishing to join the teams call out list membership are reminded that it is an essential requirement to be able to drive and to have your own motor vehicle. All potential recruits are also reminded that they must live and work within a reasonable travel distance from our Base / HQ and be able to respond to incidents in our ’Primary Operational Area’ within a reasonable timeframe to play an effective part.
It is also an essential requirement to be able to attend our weekly Wednesday evening training sessions.
Details on joining the team are available within the ’membership’ section of our website, or by clicking on the link on our ’homepage.’
The team wishes to thank the daily circulation Bolton News for advertising now on three separate occasions, our current recruitment drive. (Virtually all our applications to date have arisen from interest generated by these three articles).