Organised via the Bolton Council Civil Contingencies Team, the Bolton Voluntary Agencies Forum brings together those ’Voluntary Aid Societies’ which would play a part in ’Major Incidents’ and other Civil Contingency emergencies to discuss matters of mutual interest.
Representing our team at this mornings meeting were Team Leader Garry Rhodes MBE and Team Training Officer Elaine Gilliland.
Organisations present at today’s meeting included the Salvation Army, RAYNET, WRVS, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, Bolton Hindu Forum, NHS Bolton and Adult Social Care.
Each organisation present at todays meeting was invited to give a ’five minute overview’ of their group to all others present, before moving onto the business of the meeting.
Brief mention was made of the successful ’Exercise Hydrus’ held on February 26th 2010, and the Multi Agency Civil Contingencies Course held on June 15th 2010. (Please see our website for full reports on these events, dated the same)
The Bolton MRT places great emphasis on liaison meetings such as this, with our colleague agencies, and is always grateful to be invited to attend such.