Well what a fantastic month October turned out to be for the team. Our collecting box income for the month was £546.14 compared to £54.24 for the same month last year.
This now puts our year to date collecting box income total at the marvelous total of £3,788.93 compared to £3,017.41 at the same time last year.
In fact so successful is the income from our collecting boxes (or more correctly the support of all who so kindly contribute to our boxes) that our total to date has already exceeded the grand total for the whole of 2009, which was £3,774.42.
The team currently has 150 collecting box locations active all over the teams operational area, (and some wider afield) with grateful thanks as ever to all who host a box, and of course to all our wonderful supporters out there who so kindly give up their spare change to help the team.