News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

3rd November 2010

Tonight we received the sad news that long serving team Call Out list member Alison Yates has decided to leave the team.

Alison first joined the team aged 22, in August 1992, bringing her skills as a Nurse and her hill walking experiences with her DoE Award work.

In early October 2008, after spending sixteen continuous years in the team, Alison left the team due to work and family commitments.

Almost a year to the day later she rejoined the team in October 2009, but now after a further year in the team she has decided to hang up her ’Team boots’ (Webmaster; should that be ’Pager’)

Despite managing to ’avoid’ any Team Council position in her seventeen years with us (In itself a record!) Alison has kindly arranged single handedly many of our Annual Team Dinners and Team Ceilidths over the years.

A well respected and well liked team member, Alison has been one of the teams most senior and experienced Party Leaders and in this respect she will be sorely missed.

Alison met her future husband Geoff, in the team (and now in himself a former team member), marrying Geoff in September 1999.

Alison has said she “Will be very sad to leave the team and the people involved, and I wish the team all the very best now and in the future.”

The whole team membership joins together in wishing Alison well in her retirement from the team, and thanks her for her tremendous contribution over the last seventeen years of her service with us.

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