News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

3rd January 2011

Due to increasing work commitments, the teams Doctor, Doctor Clare Whitney, a General Practitioner in South Lancashire, has sadly decided to leave the operational (Call Out) membership of the team.

Clare, aged 30, of Horwich, joined the team in September 2008, and has contributed greatly to both our medical training and to the high standard of medical care we have been able to offer those we are called upon to help and assist.

Indeed Clare’s first day out with the team saw her directly assisting the team with an injured mountain biker on the slopes of Rivington Pike.

Latterly Clare has held the elected Team Council position of Equipment Officer (Medical Equipment) a post in which she has done sterling work keeping all our such kit regularly inspected, updated and maintained.

Clare has also greatly assisted our team and our colleagues in neighbouring teams with the delivery and examination of the intensive MREW Casualty Care Certificate Course, a role she has offered to continue helping the team in with regards to the examinations part.

Clare will maintain her association with the Bolton MRT through our Support Group.

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