We are very pleased to announce our June month end 2013 collection box figures, with £197.78p collected, against £251.93p for June 2012.
Our year to date collection box total is £1,352.58p against £1,800.63p for 2012.
We currently have 122x collection boxes out and about in the teams operational area and with a small number of individual supporters. (We have gained no new sites since last months report, and sadly lost one site)
We really feel that there is tremendous scope to increase the number of boxes we have out in the local community we serve, and to this end we are grateful to ‘The Bolton News’ for recent articles requesting its readership to support us.
Our ‘target’ figure remains to increase the number of boxes we have out and about to 150x over the next few months, and in this respect we are appealing to our wide readership to help us find new sites including considering hosting a box at their workplace.
If you feel you can kindly help us in this way please contact us via the addresses given within the ‘contacts’ section of our website.
As ever we offer our sincere thanks to all who so kindly host a box and of course to the large number of supporters who contribute to so regularly filling up all our boxes out and about.
All our boxes are regularly emptied with all sites thanked and acknowledged each time a box is emptied.
Additionally at each year end, all sites who have generated over £50.00 but under £100.00 receive a laminated Certificate of Thanks.
Those sites who have raised over £100.00 in the year receive a Team Plaque when reached for the first time, and then in subsequent years a Framed Certificate of Thanks.