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Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

22nd April 2015

This evening, our weekly training was an indoor session, commencing at 20.00hrs at our Ladybridge Hall Base / HQ, focusing on the important casualty care topic of airway management.

Our Training Officer Alistair Greenough, via his contacts at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where he works as an Accident and Emergency Nurse, arranged for four colleagues, who are all Senior Anaesthetic Practitioners – who better, to come along and take the team membership through the topic of airway management.

The four Senior Anaesthetic Practitioners, who kindly gave up their Wednesday evening to pass on their expert knowledge and experiences, were Dave McClure (a great friend of the team and formerly of Cheshire SART) Steve Wilcock, Dan Coughlin and Lee Baines.

In Dave’s words their task was to take us through “the skills of manual airway management, and the use of airway adjuncts including supraglottic airways.”

A Powerpoint presentation opened their session, followed by a hands on practical exercise in airway management, with all present split in to two groups, under the instruction of all four guest lecturers.

With both our own training manikins and one’s they had brought along, much was learnt over this one hour practical session.

Airways utilised and practised included ; Nasopharyngeal, Oropharyngeal and Supraglottic (i-gel) airways, and the use of manual suction devices and BVM (Bag Valve Mask)

In total twenty seven of our Call out list membership – including six trainee members, participated in this excellent training evening.

The team wishes to extend its sincere thanks to Senior Anaesthetic Practitioners Dave McClure, Steve Wilcock, Dan Coughlin and Lee Baines, for providing this essential training for the team, and for their enthusiasm in so readily passing on their knowledge and experiences.

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