News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

20th February 2011

Today we received a very kind donation of £55.00 in relation to our involvement in the search for a missing man in the Bolton area, last November. (see Incident report 87, dated 30th November 2010)

Linton Brown, who is associated with the very elderly man who went missing, kindly made the £55.00 donation to the team as thanks for our involvement.
(Linton explained in an accompanying letter that many years ago he attended some meetings of the team with a view to joining, but nurse training interrupted such, he now works for NWAS on Emergency Ambulances)

The team extends its grateful thanks to Linton Brown for this very thoughtful donation.

(This kind donation was delivered to the NWAS Headquarters building next door to our Base / HQ (we do not have a letter box at our Base / HQ) in mid December 2010, and only came to our notice today!)

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