Team Eagley Bank Fund Raisers who have kindly made us their Charity of the Year 2010-2011, informed us today that on their ’Christmas Themed Coffee Morning Fund Raiser’ of Tuesday 19th October 2010, they managed to raise another very kind and generous donation for the team, this time of £96.00.
Team Eagley Bank Fund Raisers next events in support of the team is a Quiz Night at ’The Gardens,’ Eagley Bank, on Thursday evening 4th November, followed by a Charity Table at the Mayor’s Charity Christmas Fair, Festival Hall, Bolton, on Saturday 27th November 2010.
Our figures show that to date’ including today’s gratefully received donation of £96.00, Team Eagley Bank Fund Raisers have raised the massive sum of £2,366.33 as part of their Charity Year 2010-2011 support of the team.
Please also see website ’news’ articles dated 3rd/13th/25th February, 31st March, 2nd/11th May, 12th/25th/26th June, 6th July, 13th / 26th / 30th September, 19th October 2010.