In February this year our Secretary Gillian Gregory received a phone call from Ann Nightingale of Bolton, who had obtained Gillians phone number from the Bolton MRT collecting tin at the Great House Barn, Lever Park, Rivington. Each year Ann explained to Gillian that she arranges a charitable event to celebrate St George’s Day and this year wished Bolton MRT to be the beneficiary.
On 29th April 2010, our Secretary, Gillian received a letter from Ann Nightingale, enclosing six cheque donations to the fantastic total sum of £284.00, which represented the profit from the St. George’s Day Evening held at a friend’s house (larger than hers) in Foxholes Road, Horwich. The event was organised by Ann and her sister, Jean Richardson, and as it was held in a domestic setting, the maximum number of people they could accommodate was 21.
In a letter accompanying the very thoughtful donations, Ann Nightingale explained;
- “Each year on or near St. George’s Day my sister and I organise a dinner and entertainment to celebrate all things English, and donate the profits to a different charity each time. this year we have decided to support Bolton MRT and enclose donations totalling £284.00. Keep up the good work.”
We understand the evenings proceedings alongside the excellent meal included; The Loyal Toast, speeches on St. George, Icons of Englishness and ’The Bard or Our Will,’ patriotic songs and music, (with Robert Aston at the piano) with further songs, music, jokes and readings from all present.
This is the first time to our recollection anyone has ever raised money for the team in celebration of the Patron Saint of England, and we are very grateful to Ann Nightingale, her sister Jean Richardson and their evening guests for raising money for the team in this unique (to us) way.
Perhaps on a bit of a theme here, some of our other supporters out there may wish to support our Scottish, Welsh and Irish Bolton MRT members by holding other ’Saints Days,’ fundraising events ?