News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

7th October 2008

This evening at 19.27 hours the team was paged by NWAS (Greater Manchester Area) for immediate assistance as part of their ’ Step Up ’ procedure, with a very high volume of emergency calls being handled by NWAS (GMA) resulting in resource issues.

The team was able to place two team Landrover Mountain Rescue Ambulance vehicles at their disposal, each crewed by three team members. (BM1 and BM2)
Each vehicle was tasked directly by NWAS (GMA) Paramedic Emergency Control to respond to incidents utilising each vehicles direct datalink and ’ Terrafix ’ equipment.

The first call was handled at 20.27hrs with the last call finishing at 23.05hrs.
Three ’ Code Red ’ calls were handled during the night by the team, one ’ Code Amber ’ call and one ’ Code Urgent’ call, all in the various districts of Bolton. (individual details of these incidents can be found in the ’ Incidents ’ section of our website)

During this period other team members who were co incidentally present at our Ladybridge Hall base / HQ for a training course planning meeting, remained on standby to respond to any calls on the teams services regards our ’ normal ’ search and rescue role.

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