Late this evening at 22:52 Hrs North West Ambulance Service (Greater Manchester Area), paged the Team for assistance with an incident.
The call was answered by one of our Call Out Contacts, Dave Healey, a full team call out was paged at 22.58 Hrs for an heavily intoxicated male, approx 1 Km within the Wigan Flashes Nature Reserve.
18 Team members and four Team vehicles responded to the ambulance RVP, members starting to arrive from 23.17 Hrs. Contact was made via mobile phone with the ambulance crew, who were with the casualty and one of the crew came back to the RVP. After a conversation with the paramedic, it was decided to take the Bell Mountain Rescue stretcher & heavy weight cas bag to the scene.
The paramedic guided the stretcher party back to the casualty site and a joint operation to place the casualty onto the Bell took place. A swift casevac brought the casualty back to the RVP and then into the ambulance.
The ambulance then departed swiftly to Wigan Infirmary, having placed A&E on standby due to the hypothermic state and low Glasgow Coma Score of the casualty.
Team vehicles then returned to their bases and Team members returned to what they were doing before being paged, to many that was back to their lovely warm beds.
Our thanks are expressed to the NWAS controller who kept a steady stream of information coming, over the TerraFix system, to help us in our response to this incident.