Following the fantastic news that we had achieved the Investors in People Award in June this year, we decided to hold a formal presentation evening to receive this award. We also took the opportunity on the same evening to dedicate into formal service our new Control Trailer.
28 team members were present early evening at our Ladybridge Hall base to welcome 30 guests to the presentation evening. Our guests included representatives from GMP and Lancashire Constabulary, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, A large group from GMAS including Derek Cartwright, Director of Operations, Bolton MBC Emergency Planning Officer, 6x members of our Support Group, Team friends, Brian Iddon Member of Parliament, (with apologies and congratulations from David Crausby MP and Andy Burnham MP), persons involved in our Control Trailer refurbishment, and two members of the Bulgarian Fire Service, (of which more below) and their host Bolton University’s Head of Education, and those involved in the IiP Award itself. For all our guests present, there was a display of team equipment, and various displays put on in our base, plus all four of our Landrover Mountain Rescue Ambulances were on display alongside our new Control Trailer. Thankfully the days heavy rain ceased in time for all to meet outside our base and hear the opening remarks by our Chairman Tony McNally and our Team Leader Garry Rhodes.
Team Supporter Dr Brian Iddon MP, fills in our guestbook with Team member Gela Grifiths.
Tony McNally & Garry Rhodes receive the IiP Award from Alsion Denham & Judy Harman.
Formally presenting the IiP Award to the team was Alison Denholm of Chamberlink and Judy Hardman of Investors in People North West, the Award Plaque being received by our Chairman and Team Leader, both on behalf of the Team.
Our new Control trailer was then dedicated into service, (having already been used on the joint exercise with Cheshire LSART and the two evening long Sale search) with a Prayer of Dedication service led by team member and Church Minister, The Reverand Mike Thomason.
All the supporters, guests and Team members on this special night
We were particularly pleased at the evening to have as our special guests a number of people associated with the building of our new Control Trailer. From North West Bus and Coach Repairs we had Bernard Hunt, who kindly provided much by way of materials and a full external respray. Team member Jonathan Holts parents were present, as a thankyou for ” hosting ” the trailer in their back garden over late spring and early summer whilst team members worked on it.
Team members & supporters who spent their own time and effort on the conversion of the new control trailer.
Lastly and very specially we had Beryl and Jack Hainsby, who had kindly donated to the team £2,000.00 previously to fund the works on the trailer, all to the memory of Beryl’s brother Geoffrey Clarke. Both Beryl and Jack were surprised to find we had dedicated the Control trailer to the memory of their Brother and as such we unveiled a plaque in the Control Trailer stating such. Beryl and Jack had their own surprise for us! see article below. Following the presentation and dedication, we all retired to GMAS Ladybridge Hall itself, where the team had arranged for a very filling and excellent buffet.