The team was called out by GMP to continue the search effort for a missing 20 year old Wythenshawe woman. Earlier in the week on Thursday, our Search Dog team of Dave Marsh and Chi, had been involved in this same search.
Under the guidance of two GMP Missing Person Search Managers, the 20 team members present were tasked with searching a dense area of woodland close to the missing person’s home address, and areas surrounding where she worked.
Nothing was found which could give any clue to this young women’s whereabouts, despite our finding a pair of boots, one wallet and a diary, none of which could be connected to the missing person.
By mid afternoon, the search taskings, which had commenced early morning were completed, and Police enquiries will continue.
Our thanks are expressed to the owner of the Heald Green Public House, who allowed us to take over a sizeable part of the car park, to set up a search control, and who also kept us generously supplied with tea and coffee, at no cost.
Bolton MRT planespotters club, perhaps we should tell them to turn round !!!
One interesting aspect of where we set up our Search Control, was that we were directly under the very final flightpath of aircraft landing at Manchester International Airport, perhaps we should now invest in a strobe beacon for the top of our Control Trailer Aerial mast !
See below for details of an interesting visitor to our search.