News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

27th June 2004

LAS telephoned the Team Leader with a request for assistance at a RTA on Rivington Lane, Rivington. Two vehicles were already out on a photo shoot with a Team sponsor and responded immediately, together with one vehicle from our base. Our Deputy Team Leader was first MRT on scene, well it is just 5 mins up the road from his house, with Helimed 08, GMAS & our vehicles all arriving almost together. We found a motorcyclist who had collided with Landrover Discovery and was being treated by the Helimed Paramedics. The casualty was loaded onto Helimeds Flexi Stretcher and Team members helped carry him to the aircraft. Team members were also involved in the marshalling and saftey zone area for the aircrafts take off. The casualty was taken to Royal Preston Hospital with query spinal and lower back injuries.

BMRT, Helimed & GMAS treat the casualty..

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