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Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

22nd November 2003

Saturday saw the Team has been called out by Cheshire Constabulary, to assist them in the continuing search for a missing teenage girl, now sadly presumed dead by Police. 17 year old Shefilea Ahmed has been missing for over two months, and Police are now conducting an intensive search around her Great Sankey, Warrington, home. Our Team Leader was contacted for assistance on Friday 21st November, with a view to the team being involved from Saturday, 22nd November. The Team departed Bolton at 07:15 hrs in the morning, arriving at the Cheshire Constabulary Control Point for a very thorough briefing. Joining Police Officers and our colleagues from North East Wales Search and Rescue Team, the team then went on to search areas bordering the Manchester Ship canal and the River Mersey, in the Warrington area. Although exhaustive, the days’ searching was inconclusive, and the Bolton Team returned home at 19:00 hrs. (29 BMRT members were involved). Police enquiries are continuing, along with the search effort.

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