In the very early hours of Wednesday morning, GMP called us out to an unusual and somewhat technical, urban rescue, involving a 32 year old man with serious injuries, lay on an inaccessible rooftop in the centre of Salford City, just by Greengate Railway Arches, near Chapel Street.
A multi agency response included GMCFS from Salford Fire Station, a GMAS Ambulance and Rapid Response Vehicle, a GMAS Paramedic Manager, and numerous GMP Officers.
For a while the City Centre was sealed off, as the rescue effort swung into action.
We were called at 00:25 hrs, and working jointly with the Fire Crew and Paramedics, and utilising a Fire Ladder and Rope Rescue techniques, the injured man was lowered from the roof by Firefighters, then raised on a Bell MRT stretcher up a vertical wall, utilising a rope haul system by the team, and down exterior steps into the Ambulance at 02:20 hrs.
Team members eventually got to their beds around 03:30 hrs, ending a very interesting rescue.
Incident 26-2018 – body recovery from Horrocks Moor
At 15:46 on Sunday 13th May we were contacted by North West Ambulance Service with the request to assist in the...