Full Team call out message for a search for a missing elderly male in the Heaton Mersey district of Stockport at 14:15 Hrs. At 14:39 Hrs a Stand Down message was issued as Glossop MRT was being called in, its much nearer for them !!! At 17:08 Hrs the pagers went off again for the same search. We arrived at the Dog & Partridge pub in Heaton Mersey, which acted as our RV point. Together with members of Oldham MRT & our own Search Dog Chi & Handler Dave Marsh, we spent the evening searching for this missing gentleman. Again the Team found themselves in a very urban area searching along roads, the River Mersey. We also had two members in canoes searching in the River Mersey. At 22:45 Hrs after much searching and a positive sighting of the gentleman, walking towards Stockport after he was reported missing, the MR aspect of the search was scaled down and members retired to the Dog & Partridge to say thank you to the Landlord for allowing us to use their car park, in the best way we know how by helping his profits!!
The scene in the Dog & Partridge Pub RV point.
Whilst we were involved in the above search GMAS paged the Team at 20:30 Hrs for assistance with a walker on Holcombe Moor firing range. As our resources were fully deployed on this search, we passed the call over to Rossendale & Pendle MRT, who dealt with it.