Further Donation in Memory of Bernard Coughlin

Further Donation in Memory of Bernard Coughlin

As reported on 11th July 2016, we received donations totalling £235.00 in memory of the late Bernard Coughlin, and his widow, Mrs Christine Coughlin, visited our HQ on 5th October 2016 to view the plaque commissioned in his memory. We have now received, with thanks, a...
Further Donation in Memory of Bernard Coughlin

Base maintenance day

Today members of the full team and support group attended our Ladybridge Hall base today to catch up on some maintenance of both our vehicles and base.  Routine checks are regularly carried out on our vehicles to ensure they and the equipment carried are ready for use...
Further Donation in Memory of Bernard Coughlin

Swiftwater First Responder course

On the 29th & 30th October 2016, six team members (Paul Copley, Kris Kilshaw, Mike Eddleston, Neil Haigh, James Shaw & Dave Conn) took part in a swift water first responder course (Defra Module two). The course instructor was Mick Smith from Calder Valley MRT,...