Donation arising from Summer Solstice Walk

Donation arising from Summer Solstice Walk

Today team members Mark Scott and Gary Melia travelled to The Rivington in the village of the same name for a special mission: to meet up with our great supporters Rachel and Neil Taylor. Rachel and Neil are owners of The Rivington, which consists of Tea Rooms and a...
Donation arising from Summer Solstice Walk

Retirement of Dave Marsh from the Team

Not previously reported on our website was the retirement from the team of Dave Marsh, handler of our Water Search Dog, Sasha. Dave originally joined the team back in August 1976. He has ‘retired’  twice already but has over 30 years experience within Mountain Rescue...
Donation arising from Summer Solstice Walk

Marvellous Donation from John Merton & David Williams

Our mail has just revealed a fantastic donation of £850.00 from John Merton and David Williams of Warrington.  In his letter, John explains that he and David work on the Alban Retail Park in Warrington and during the course of their work they collect scrap, pallets,...