by admin | Oct 28, 2003 | 2003, Incident
At 13:25, the team was contacted by GMP regarding a search for a 13 year old missing boy, from Bolton, who was believed to be in the Sale water park area of Manchester. A full scale search, including our search dog Chi, took place in atrocious autumn night time...
by admin | Oct 22, 2003 | 2003, Incident
In the very early hours of Wednesday morning, GMP called us out to an unusual and somewhat technical, urban rescue, involving a 32 year old man with serious injuries, lay on an inaccessible rooftop in the centre of Salford City, just by Greengate Railway Arches, near...
by admin | Oct 11, 2003 | 2003, Incident
At 15:40, GMAS called out the team to assist with a 25 year old male, with a reported fractured ankle, the location being Wardley Wood on the Worsley / Swinton boundary. At 15:53 the team was stood down, with one Landrover Ambulance and a large number of team members...
by admin | Sep 20, 2003 | 2003, Incident
Assembling at 10:00, at Leigh Community Sixth Form College, the initial team search response met up with GMP Officers for a full search briefing, whilst our Control and Catering Trailers were set up. Throughout the day, 29 Bolton team members and Search Dog Chi,...
by admin | Sep 19, 2003 | 2003, Incident
At 22:05, our Team Leader was contacted by a GMP Missing Person Search Manager, regards the teams assistance being required the next day, in the search for a missing young man in the Leigh area of Wigan. ( there being specific search areas involved ). Arrangements...
by admin | Sep 16, 2003 | 2003, Incident
At 19:25, Lancon requested the urgent assistance of the team with regards to a search for a missing 35 year old woman, whose car had been found at Rivington. A large scale search involving 39 team members, search dog Chi, and large police resources, including dogs,...