Incident 41/2004

Incident 41/2004

GMFRS initially contacted the team, for the information of the team, regards a call passed to them via LFRS. They were responding to a report of a car hanging over a ledge. Our Team Leader provided local area knowledge support to GMFRS, which was sent to their...
Incident 41/2004

Incident 40/2004

The team was contacted (initially) by staff at Great House Barn Information Centre, following a report to the centre from a concerned woman, that her partner had gone camping in the Rivington area, and had not returned or contacted home. Our Deputy Leader, Geoff...
Incident 41/2004

Incident 39/2004

The team was contacted by GMP for assistance in the search for a missing 6 year old girl, in the Farnworth area of Bolton. As our Deputy Leader, Geoff Seddon was collecting details from the Police, with some members on standby at our Ladybridge base, the excellent...
Incident 41/2004

Incident 38/2004

The Team was contacted by LAS, in the very late evening, for possible assistance at a serious moorland RTA (Cadshaw Bridge on A666). A car with two occupants had left the road and crashed into the steep sided rocky valley of Cadshaw Brook. A very large Multi Agency...
Incident 41/2004

Incident 37/2004

At 14:35, LAS contacted the team for assitance with a 66 year old lady who had breathing difficulties, whilst walking on one of the hillside tracks at Rivington. Helimed 08 and an LAS ambulance were also involved. Our DTL managed to access the scene direct in his off...
Incident 41/2004

Incident 36/2004

Whilst we were in the closing stages of Incident 35 (see above) GMAS called the Team Leader for assistance with a casualty some distance away from the nearest access point for the GMAS Ambulance at Jumbles Reservoir. Two vehicles responded immediately from the above...