Incident 72/2004

Incident 72/2004

At 13:23 Hrs, following reports of a car crashing through a fence on a moorland road in Belmont, two team vehicles with five personnel responded along with Lancashire Police, three LAS ambulances and Helimed 08. We were stood down, when the police who arrived first on...
Incident 72/2004

Incident 71/2004

At 09:13 Hrs LAS called out the Team, along with our colleagues in BPMRT & RPMRT to go to full standby status, in the case of the Bolton Team, at Darwen Ambulance station, with regards to the severe flood risk affecting a large part of East Lancashire, as a...
Incident 72/2004

Incident 70/2004

Our search dog Team of Handler Dave Marsh & Search Dog Chi, were called out by West Yorkshire Police to help Mountain Rescue, Police and other SARDA teams in the search for a missing person in the Dewsbury area. On this occasion Dave was assisted by Dave Sarti...
Incident 72/2004

Incident 69/2004

By now, all we wanted to do was go home and have our tea, when we were called back to Cutacre tip (another off-road motorcyclist incident), where we met up with the responding GMAS ambulance. Whilst trying to establish the actual incident location on this extensive...
Incident 72/2004

Incident 68/2004

As we were packing away our kit, at the roadside RVP for the previous incident, we received another off-road motorcycle call from GMAS, at 16:33, to another site familiar to us, that being Liverpool Road, Irlam (see also incident 30/2004). Arriving on scene, our 4...
Incident 72/2004

Incident 67/2004

At 14:50, GMAS requested the Team’s assistance at an off-road motorcyclist incident at the former Cutacre tip, at Over Hulton, where, along with the responding GMAS crew, we discovered an injured male motorcyclist, who had suffered a dislocated hip. Team...