Incident 62/2016 – Rescue Lower House, Rivington

Incident 62/2016 – Rescue Lower House, Rivington

Whilst the bi monthly team council meeting was taking place the team was paged by NWAS control to assist with an injured mountain biker in Rivington terraced gardens.  The team mobilised and on arrival met with the rapid response paramedic who was with the casualty...
Incident 62/2016 – Rescue Lower House, Rivington

Incident 57/2016 – Mountain Biker, Philips Park

At approximately 14.30 we were contacted by North West Ambulance service to assist with an incident in Philips Park, Whitefield. A mountain biker had fallen and was injured on a steep slope in the Stand/Outwood area of Philips Park near the M60 motorway. An ambulance...